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Equine Newsletters

Keep up to date with our Wensum Valley equine newsletters

Managing Box Rest

Managing Box Rest

Box rest and the changes to routine, socialisation, environment and exercise, is inevitably stressful for horses and can be frustrating and upsetting for owners/carers.

Royal Norfolk Show 2024

Royal Norfolk Show 2024

This year’s Royal Norfolk Show saw great weather and bumper crowds.

Targeted Worming Scheme

Targeted Worming Scheme

A word from our vet Lauren Aldridge, on our targeted worming scheme. 

Targeted Worming Treatment

Targeted Worming Treatment

Management of worms can be complicated and it is very easy to be overwhelmed with information.

What’s new at Wensum Valley

What’s new at Wensum Valley

At the start of March the practice received the fantastic news that we have achieved the RCVS Practice Standards Scheme accreditation.

What is Sweet Itch?

What is Sweet Itch?

Sweet Itch (Culicoides Hypersensitivity) is a skin disease caused by an allergic reaction to midge bites.

20 Years!

20 Years!

Unbelievably, it is 20 years since we moved to our purpose-built clinic at the Racecourse.

Hoof Balance

Hoof Balance

Horses’ hooves are made up of lots of tiny tubes called horn tubules.

Preparing for Spring

Preparing for Spring

Many owners feel concerned about the risk of laminitis as Spring approaches.

Horse Care Over Winter

Horse Care Over Winter

In this Newsletter we will discuss some of the conditions that occur more commonly during the Winter months.



Sustainability is important to the whole team at Wensum Valley Vets and we know that it is important to our clients to!

Disorders of the Equine Eye

Disorders of the Equine Eye

Injuries and disease of the eye, eyelid and tear ducts are common presentations within the practice.

Atypical Myopathy

Atypical Myopathy

Atypical myopathy is a severe and potentially fatal muscle disorder in horses that have eating fallen sycamore seeds.

Equine Liver Problems

Equine Liver Problems

Liver problems are relatively common in horses, however it can often prove difficult to pinpoint the cause

Sacroilliac (SI) Disease

Sacroilliac (SI) Disease

The sacroiliac (SI) joint is a complicated region at the junction of two major bones: the ilium (part of the pelvis) and the sacrum (part of the spinal column).

What Is Laminitis?

What Is Laminitis?

With the arrival of Spring and a fresh flush of grass, we enter the time of year when laminitis is a rising concern.

Complementary Therapy

Complementary Therapy

Find out more about the complementary therapies we can offer at Wensum Valley Vets.



What is Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis and how to treat it?



Many mares foal without problems, however it is important to know what is normal, so as to act quickly if needed.

Laminitis and Endocrine

Laminitis and Endocrine

It is now understood that the main cause of laminitis in horses is endocrine disease.

Sand Colic....what is it?

Sand Colic....what is it?

Sand colic is abdominal pain (colic) secondary to ingesting sand. Due to its weight, sand ingested can accumulate in the bowel.

Care of the Geriatric Horse

Care of the Geriatric Horse

Due to advances in care for modern day horses, average life span has increased. The age a horse or pony is considered geriatric varies with each.

Dental Care

Dental Care

Tim has learnt various methods for removing diseased teeth during his Continued Professional Development including studying for a Certificate in Equine Dentistry.

Heat Stroke/Stress

Heat Stroke/Stress

This summer’s hot and dry weather won’t have gone unnoticed by many, especially horse owners, where the soaring temperatures can bring a new set of concerns.



Sinusitis is an infection of the sinuses. These are air-filled cavities which make up a
large proportion of the equine head.